Thursday, August 27, 2009

Value Statements re: The Message

Please post your responses to Felecia Pride's "Not Enough" and "Express Yourself." Respond to a student's (1) response (one or both).


Jfarnlacher said...

Freewrite on "Not Enough"
Jessica Farnlacher

I think Pride's piece is a really good perspective of how people can be when it comes to satisfaction, with giving, and the criticism received after wards. I can relate to her in the sense of being "too much" of some things and "not enough" of other things. I'm so used to reading pieces like this ending on a pessimistic note and it was real refreshing how she ended the piece with a note that escalated the way she felt about herself rather ending on a depressive note that showed that she was down. I don't know who Felicia Pride is personally, but I'd bet she's got one hell of a personality and tons of self pride and acceptance. Self acceptance is one of the most hardest things to achieve, and we beat ourselves up about it every chance we get. I wish it was easy for myself not to beat myself about about certain things, but it's just something I think humans are programmed to do. I think we can be satisfied with others, but it's harder to satisfy ourselves. That COULD just be me though, everyone is different.

Anonymous said...

Erica Williams says...

Jennifer Farnlacher

Wow Jennifer! I loved your piece! I loved your excitement after reading Felicia Pride's essay. You wrote with so much passion, I really enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Erica Williams
English 1B
TTh 9-10:50
August 28, 2009
Assignment: Free write for “Not Enough”

In Felicia’s Pride’s “Not enough”, I find a lot of similarities to my own life. I feel that she makes a good generalization of how women, especially African American feel about themselves. She makes a reference to her friend describing herself in a sense as crossing all the t’s and dotting all the i’s for her man, only to find out in the end that she missed a few t’s and a few i’s a long the way. On a personal note, I found that many of the words she uses to describe herself, like “hardworking, mean and attractive”, are words that I would to describe myself. “Not enough” is the underlying and overall description of how I feel on a daily basis, not realizing (as described in the last paragraph), that I am “damn good”. Maybe one day it will be enough.

Anonymous said...

Erica Williams
English 1B
August 28, 2009
TTh 9-10:50
Assignment: Free write for “Express Yourself”

After reading Felicia Pride’s “Express Yourself”, I got a good sense of where her inspiration came from, as well as many others. I believe that songs like “Express Yourself” by N.W.A., opened up the flood gates for many people’s creativity to flow. Not only were they(NWA) “cool” in the eyes of many different groups of people, they helped a lot of their fans realize that is was okay to say how you feel sometimes. Whether through rap, writing, or whatever you preferred the most, allow yourself to speak and be heard. However, I do believe that not every person took a positive turn from the lyrics like Felicia Pride did, but some may have taken the words a little too literal and produced a bit of negativity. But in any respect it showed many that expression can be an art form and a way for the world to see your gifts and passions.

Anonymous said...

Itzel Diaz
English 1B
Response to “Not Enough”

People talk all the time about themselves not being good enough or not doing well enough, to me there is not such a thing as being good enough. If we are good enough to ourselves why should we worry about being good enough for other people? What’s the point? Anyway; if we are happy the way we are, why should we change? Life is about making yourself happy. As long as other people do not get harm by my actions or the way I am; I shall not change, unless the change makes me a person.

Anonymous said...

Free write on Express yourself
Saudia Said

In "Express Yourself" the artist N.W.A found herself writing hip hop rhymes something she said helped her "develop a reverence of words." Hip Hop gave her a voice and she encourages us to tell our story. I never thought my experiences in life would be interesting to others. But thats how we are all meant to think like. That we aren't important and our stories aren't worth writing about.

Muno said...

Munkhjin Munkhbaatar
English 1B
Professor Sabir
"Not Enough"
For people there is always a need, we people always feel like we need something. Human need is unlimited. I think its because people invent new things everyday and things are developing everyday. For example when the Iphone came out I wanted it so much and after I bought it year later the newer version came out. Everybody has needs even Bill Gates has needs even though he's the richest man in the world. That shows us that there are things we can not buy. We should be happy with what we have today because there are many people who dont even have what I have today.

"Express Yourself"
People have different characters some people are very shy and some not. When I go to a new environment I dont talk that much because I dont feel comfortable like when the school starts and I go to a new class I feel uncomfortable because there are other students who I dont know. People can express theirself by many ways like the way they dress, talk and behave. I am a very quite and shy person I dont like speaking in front of public. I get so nervous and I forget my words.Felicia Pride's Express yourself says that we should learn how to express ourselves.

Muno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Free-write on "Not Enough"
Amy Quiton

Thats just it, not enough. There is enough hatred in this world to last forever, but there is not enough carefree, easy-going, individuals that don't judge and that are wiling to think outside the box. I think you have to understand a human by excepting the good, the bad, and the ugly. Even then, who really decides what the standard is for those emotions? I don't think anyone is ever truly satisfied with themselves or others but all you can do is just keep being the best damn you, you can be. When you get wrapped up in other peoples emotions then thats where you let the real you slip. No one is perfect, no one. Its ironic how the emotions that she doesn't have enough tenacity are the same emotions that are being used against them as too harsh. "Never being able to satisfy everyone", is something that should never concern you.

Unknown said...

Response to student free-write.

Muno your example given in your "Not Enough" free-write is a pretty valid one. I like that you mention that the "human want is unlimited." Even if there isn't someone judging how we are, we are constantly judging and needing new validation. It is not enough to have the Iphone, you have the new hip one. I think we are a little programmed to constantly want and judge, its just in our fabric. Its not necessarily something I want to admit, but its true.

Derek said...

i think that its difficult to be satisfied because everyone has their own tastes and feelings. Many people would not be satisfied because the things that we have are really much better than the rest of the world. Felecia Pride used many words that are advanced and i did not know what the world means. That is a good thing because that is how we learn new words and expand our vocabulary. People always want more and more which relates to the title "Not Enough" human beings are very spoiled because we get a lot of things that other animals and living creatures do not get or even have. This piece is very interesting overall.

Jermaine said...

In response to "Express Yourself," it is stunning to read words that uplift a group like N.W.A.. I am reminded of the infinite ways that a person can interpret certain actions. Everyone has different perspectives and while we may have very logical conclusions and convictions about Gangsta Rap, there are millions of people that were touched by their lyrics and this is the voice of just one. She expresses that they liberated her to express herself; that this very piece is a result of that song. I just decided to listened to that song and I can't be mad it. therefore, her opinion of it is very legitimate. Excuse me for having my mind clouded with guns, curls, blonde hair, bikinis, drugs and smoke. It does have a positive message. Expressing one's self is very necessary. So many of us have aborted parts of our personality before they even had the chance to be birthed, much less thrive. I express myself alot and that is a change from my quiet, shy, bored, scared, lonesome past. I strive everyday to be more open in situations wherein I am usually musseled by fear. It's worth the stress and strain, I believe.
In "Not Enough" a few things popped out at me. The black girl is put into a postition wherein she will always lose. She is the antithesis of what is portrayed as the girl that everyone wants(i.e. dark, curvacious, tough, less needy, more frustrated, etc.). Thank God for music videos(did I just say that?) because this showcases black women in an ever-attrative light. Although these women are exceptionally beautiful, and some may say silly, they are still black. Many a black girl, find themselves appealing to men of many races as a result of this...exploitation. This is just too contradictory. I dislike many of these videos for their reducing effect on women and men...howeverm I ask, Where else is the black woman given any positive light in which she can shine? Movies, commercials, bill boards, magazines? Ah, Essence. Got it.
She said that she began to overcompensate in relationships. I see that all the time. That's what comes to mind when I see girls driving guys around; girls at the jail house talking through glass; girls selling drugs for the guy; girls turning tricks and girls paying for guys'clothes. Some may say that he has "mouthpiece", but I see a girl that is willing to do anything to be loved by a guy and this willingness comes from, perhaps, a belief that she is not enough and she must do what she has to to convince others that she can be.
The urge to quit is real. When I look at some of these beautiful brown girls' faces as they blankly stare off into the distance confident in their singleness, I feel the "I'm done" in my soul. There is a lack of interest in appearing available and interested even if they are. I usually say its the hip hop generation's way of being fine, but sometimes brown girls come off as downright unapproahable.(did I just say that?)

In response to numerous responses to these pieces, thinking of ourselves as enough is very hard. We all have to deal with our personal "demons" and ward them off at every moment because they continually arrive. Life has a way of opening up gates on every corner for them to walk out into the busy street of our minds and stop traffic. Even after some of the most fantastic, honor-deserving deeds, "not enough" comes to bite us. I am glad that it ends on a positive note like Jessica says. It could have been pessimistic and powerful due to the depressive mood it put us in. Her "'F' it" attitude towards the "enough" idea, was good and bad. Sometimes we quit trying to improve at the expense of others. Sometimes thinking, "I'm damn good" is premature(did I just say that?).Sometimes we are "damn good" and we just need to block those people's voices out.

Ilene Lee said...

Ilene Lee
English 1B
TTH 9-10:50

Freewrite Response to “Not Enough”

Society has grown to become insatiable to the acceptance of ordinary civilians. Today people are constantly bombarded by new techniques and ways to improve the way they are- physically, emotionally and mentally. Our struggle to be perfect in society is simply an unattainable goal. We are no longer able to reach contentment because our expectations continue to grow with each achievement we fulfill. If not a competition with others, we are competing with ourselves to improve what we can to be the best we can be.

This unattainable goal is paved by our obsession of gaining the approval of others. Our decisions can be based on the way we want others to see us or how we can highlight our qualities to stand out. But why do we feast on the approval of others, when it is ourselves we seek to improve? As much as anyone denies it, everyone cares about what others think about them. Our decisions and actions have lost their honest purpose of self-fulfillment and, instead, have transformed the motives into fulfilling the ideals of others.

As our society grows even more conscious to flaws and imperfections, there will never be perfection within any aspects of our lives. Our achievements are simply not enough for the likings of others who judge us. For this sake, we cannot become consumed by the opinions of other. To go beyond the expectations that society has placed on us, we cannot be affected by what others say. It is imperative for an individual to follow their own beliefs and ideals instead of becoming dependent on the thoughts of others. Our lives should be fulfilled through our own perception of self-improvement, not by the judgments of others who need more to be happier. We can all get by with what we have because it is enough- we just need to believe in it.

Ilene Lee said...

Ilene Lee
English 1B
TTH 9-10:50

Freewrite to “Express Yourself”

Expression can be defined through different types of outlets. Everyone has their own motivation and inspiration to show their creative process. For some, music plays a large role to their expression- drawing from the voices of other brave and courageous artists. This article conveyed a powerful message within the influence of music for children today. To the teenagers and kids that may deal with peer pressure such as drugs or gang related problems, music can be their remedy and solution to their problems. It can be their voice, their hope and their dreams. Listening to the thoughts and powerful lyrics of famous artists compel others to write their own songs. I even admit to turning to music for healing when I am stressed or dealing with conflicts. When I hear their stories, I feel inspired to share my life experiences in creative lyrics and poems. We all search for our motivation to express our real voices. Ranging from music, to literature and even fashion; people look to their passions for a push towards finding their own creative expression. Our own interpretations of art forms enable us to expand our minds and grow from what we see. There is no right answer when it comes to expressing oneself; we all have our unique abilities to show what we can do.

Ilene Lee said...

Amy's response to "Not Enough" shows alot of devotion and passion to the topic. I felt like you did a great job at articulating our personal responsibilities. We shouldn't get caught up in making others happy, but focus on doing our best.


Jfarnlacher said...

Hahaha ERICA!! My name is Jessica my dear.

Nicole G said...

I can relate to both the essays "not enough" and "express yourself".
"Not Enough" spoke very loudly to me, and I'm sure many others felt the same. We live in a world that is constantly advancing and there is always room to improve something or do something better. With the world advancing also leaves those behind who are "not good, smart, or quick enough". Good enough for one's self almost never equals to what being good to someone else is.
I beleive the media is destroying people's pride and self satisfaction. Take a magazine for instance. Teenage girls and young adults read these magazines that are displaying to them how a women's body should look, how their skin and hair should be, and how they should dress. So what about those who dont resemble those "picture perfect" women? Are they not pretty enough, or feminine enough? The media seems to tell us what is beautiful and who is beautiful. It hardly ever tells its readers and viewers that inner beauty matters and if they are satisfied with themselves that's all that counts.
So what is enough? I love how Felicia Pride tells her readers that the most important person to please is yourself! What a beautiful concept. How happy people could potentially be if they are satisfied with themselves, and what magnificent relationships and powerful love could come from that.
I think this essay was beautifully written and truthful, Felicia Pride is inspiring.

ItsJustMelly said...

Melissa Carpenter
English 1B

Freewrite: "Not Enough"

In Felicia Pride's piece "Not Enough" is overall about how today's society tends to criticize and judge a lot. It's either you are not this or not that, and even too much of a certain thing. It can be very confusing a hurtful.But if you believe in yourself and know who you are then virtually you are untouchable to others. The key is to have confidence in yourself and not to worry about what other people think about you, because unless they are helping and improving your life in some way then there opinions don't matter. I wish we lived in a world where everyone could accept eachother juist the way you are, but until then just remember that you can only be yourself.

Freewrite: "Express Yourself"

I think that the lyrics of N.W.A. helped Felicia Pride be the person that she is today by maybe playing a role in her inspiration. Although N.W.A. talks about many topics in their lyrics I feel that some may be misunderstood by some people or taken too literal or seriously. Unlike how Felicia Pride took it into positivity, others may feel a bit of negativity after reading N.W.A.'s lyrics. I guess it all depends on what type of person you are and how you percieve things.

Anonymous said...

Jose Vasquez

Response to "not enough"

People always feel that they need stuff. The more we have he more we want. The reason why people might feel that we need stuff is because we see newer things everyday on television and we feel that we need it. People are always looking out when the new stuff is coming out to the market. For example people buy cars all the time and each year more and more are made. When a new car comes out to the market some people feel that they need a newer car. We as Americans feel that we always need the newest things. People should just be thankful that they have the basic things and live a happy life.

Response to "express yourself"

Each person has a different mind-set. People are totally different from each other. some people are loud and some are quiet. Me personally i feel that i am a person that has a hard time expressing myself in public. When i meet new people I always try to express myself in a very positive way. I always try to give people ans idea that i am a very respectful person. Felicia pride wants you to try to find a way to have the courage to express yourself.