Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I noticed that students are not using proper MLA for their posts. Writers need to have a heading and a works cited where appropriate.

To post:

Click on "comment." Post response in box, then click anonymous, make sure you have included a heading: student name, course and time, date, my name.

Student Name (first and last)
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 201 A (or B) 8-8:50 AM or 1:30-3:20 PM
24 August 2011




hsiaolin said...
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Tien said...

How can I leave a general comment or question to the class without posting it in a specific topic? Perhaps I can create a blog for student discussions???

hsiaolin said...

To Tien
I like your idea. I think that it is so great and awesome suggestion "disscusions".

Tien said...

Thank you, sadly you and I are the only ones how have read this, lol. Don't worry, I'll get an online discussion group together!