Monday, April 23, 2012

Post Questions one is considering

Today in class we talked about topics to explore re: Runined. Decide on your topic and complete the planninf sheet and develop a detailed outline. Bring both to class on Tuesday to share.

Each essay needs to have at least 3 sources. You do not need to cite all. Each essay also has a block quote, a shorter in-text citation and a free paraphrase.

We will write the essay on Wednesday morning.

Potential topics:

Compare and contrast the three couples: Mama Nadi and Chrsitian, Salima and Fortune, Josephine and Mr. Harari: rough diamond as insurance policy. A woman's body as a country and its spoils.

Look at the term "ruined" and how it is played out or defined in the persons or the characters analyzed.

Is Mama Nadi a villian or savior for the women? How so?

One could look at war as a metaphor. I think Salima says that she will not allow men "to war on her body or to hold their battles on her body" One could look at this sacrifice Salima makes and the larger statement Nottage makes here especially if one sees Salima as Congo and vice versa. Is Congo "runined"?

One could look at Sophie, the romantic who has suffered the most from these battles men host on women's bodies. Either Sophie is incrediblely forgiving or stupid or perhaps still in shock. What are the stages of shock? What I've heard is that shock allows its victim to function in the most dyer of circumstances.

I also think about Mama Nadi and Sophie are two aspects of the same person. How so?


Anonymous said...

Billy Russell
Professor Sabir
English 1B
April 24 2012

Question: What does the parrot represent in the play?

Why I chose this question: I think that the Parrot can be looked at as symbolic of the Congo, and even a few characters. The parrot could represnet Mama Nadi, because like the parrot, mama Nadi is trapped. She is trapped in her whore house like the parrot is trapped in the cage, the tarp over the cage is like Mama Nadi's neutrallity in the war, because she refuses to take a side, and does her best to ignore the war going on outside. The parrot could be representative of the Congo too, because like the parrot, the Congo was once beautiful, but the beauty has been thrown away and is now hidden, like the parrot.

Professor Wanda's Posse said...

Sounds great William. I am looking forward to seeing how you pull this together.