Wednesday, January 25, 2012

State of the Union Cyber-Assignment

For students who watched the Address and wanted to share responses, post here. The speech and comments are also at:

The cyber-assignment is listed below. It was homework, although no one posted anything (smile). It still needs to be done. Post it where assigned. This post is for short remarks or comments.

Students can respond to each other here.


Anonymous said...

Maribel Arrizon
Professor Sabir
English 1B
1 january 2012

I thought Obama did an all right job. I like how he set a positive mood by reminding everyone of how things used to be when he first came into office and giving everyone good news. It was a nice reminder that some things did change for the better.
I like how he scolded both the democrats and republicans for fighting with each other instead of compromising and getting things done. He did a good speech as always, and I couldn’t help but notice that he was slightly campaigning for himself, I hope he runs again.

Anonymous said...

Aaron Kohgadai
Professor Sabir
English 1B
25 January 2012

I thought the president’s speech was great. It is about that that he began defending himself and giving democrats, republicans, congress, and especially the American people the facts on how he has benefitted the country in many extraordinary ways. I like this speech especially because it actually sounds like he’s speaking directly from within him and not through somebody else’s words. I voted for President Obama when he ran for office in 2008 and to this day, no matter what people said about him, never regretted my vote. Here in his speech, he gives us facts on how the economy has changed ever since he has taken over in office. He addresses us on how millions of jobs have opened up within the last couple of years. How the automotive industry is making a sharp comeback after the devastating financial failure about two years ago. I enjoyed his speech very much and I really hope he has a second term. He definitely has my vote, especially after this fantastic speech.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Gozinsky-Irwin
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1B
Period 8-8:50

My initial reaction to Presidents Obama's address to the nation brought tears to my eyes because of how patriotic, kick ass, and how proud he made me feel to become an American.
He called out the congress/senate that they need to be held accountable for what they are doing. That they are not serving the American people the way that they should. The comments about Washington not being able to get anything done was very powerful. I also enjoyed his remarks about not letting lobbyist trade within the house and how he wanted them to press through legislation to make this possible.
The comments about tax reform and his Warren Buffet example were also I think very persuasive and powerful. He contested that millionaires should not be paying less than 30% on their taxes while the rest of the middle class of America got destroyed by Uncle Sam.
I think he took very bold and aggressive moves. The comments afterwards on the post talk was that he was becoming more confident and comfortable as the commander and chief of the most powerful nation in the world.

Anonymous said...

Andrea Carter
Professor Wanda Sabir
English !B
26 Jan, 2012

I feel that the president uses imagery to represent patriotism because its easier to connect to the general public who are not all well educated. By using imagery the president brakes language barriers with images that everyone can relate to. Like WW2 for example or talking about how his grandparents worked hard cause we are the hardest working people in this world Americans.

"An America built to last". Energy. Economy. Education. Obama speaks about these with of imagery. He sees a government that to me is. The way that our country is turning is into a "democratic totalitarian or dictatorship" basically a nation wide band together to make this country better. Being that the way I see it as an open democratic version of North Korea. Something I see as a good idea. Having Americans come together as a whole, 1 big living organism pushing forward in this world. Making life brighter with renewable energy, lowering the deficit with new jobs, and more exporting of "Made in America" goods. When it comes to education he was genius, offering more work study jobs to college students and programs geared to a specific career that needs workers now. Last economy, with this new way of thinking the average American would have moving from a competitive way of living vs. a brotherly love or common wealth way of living. I see an America where we don't fight one another and work together to see our country plow forward like a bullet train, straight out of our deficit and into a healthy economy made to lead the world.

Some people believe that he is “Black Jesus”. That he was brought here to bring us out of the recession and into a brighter more promising future. I am not certain if he is “Black Jesus” or not but what I am certain of is that he is defiantly out for the common person with a plan for dramatic growth of our wonderful country, straight to the top.

Anonymous said...

Brittney Brunner
Professor Sabir
English 1B

I must admit Obama is a boss! His speech, impeccable as usual, his confidence at it's highgest. I watched this video in the computer lab and when he talked about the "spilled milk" subject I laughed so hard at some of the faces. One lady looked like she was extremely disgusted! That's OBAMA, YES, HE SAID IT GIRLFRIEND... get over it!!! He is all real and doesn't sugar coat a damn thing! When something is ugly, he calls it how he sees it. This is the only president I can actually sit down and listen to him speak without falling asleep. He paints pictures and doesn't sound like an automated recording! I apreciate that!! He benefits America ... OH, and I LOVED how he stated that we should spend half of our money on our debts and the other half ... GET THIS ... ON BUILDING UP AMERICA!!! What about us? We never seem to stop and ask ourselves that question.. not as an individual but as WE the people, what about us? .... I feel myself beginning to rant and rave about other things that may be brought up in a different conversation! Obama has my vote!!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Juan Sanabria said...

President Obama did "okay" with his State of the union address wasn't spectacular or an outstanding performance. A couple of things he mention was to stay in school till a certain time until you are of adult age and for teachers who are not teaching to be replaced. To be to be honest, politics and the media is a bunch of BS. They cloud your judgment and keep you ignorant to a point where you have to listen.

Juan Sanabria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Demetria Owens
eng 1b
January 26,2012

I was and am always very pleased and proud to see and hear President Obama speak on any subject and Represent this great county.
I thought President Obama was well prepared for the speech and that he was well organized like always.

Anonymous said...

Ng, Pauline
Prof. Sabir
Eng 1B

I thought the President Obama’s speech was great. It was actually my first time watching any type of speech and I thought he was really well prepared and organized. It was also a very thing that he allowed us to witness the meeting. It is also a good thing that he restated the things he made happened and how it is better now. He is knowledgeable and made me feel at ease of what he is trying to say. I also like the tone he used, it changes depending on what he is saying and the way he want to grab the audience's attention

Anonymous said...

Giao Bui
Professor Sabir
English 1B
January 27, 2012

I didn't watch the speech but I read the read the transcript. I know there could be a big difference in reaction when watching an actual speech compared to reading one. I thought the speech had many good points that I agree with. I like how he had comprehensive plans to talk about instead of just simply promising for change. I think that this country may be able to get something done now that we are no longer in Iraq. However, I did not like how he tried to rally up the American people by saying things like how our country is the best and that we will win in any leveled field. I think it is bad mentality to think we are the best because that could lead to complacency.

Anonymous said...

Billy Russell
Professor Sabir
English 1B
27 January 2012

A lot of the things Obama said made a lot of sense to me. For example, when he was talking about how businesses that outsource their labor are currently getting a tax break. It didn't make any sense to me why companies who outsource, companies who are already saving money by outsourcing, should also get a tax break. I completely agree with Obama and his plan to reverse this. Giving the tax break to companies that use expensive American labor are the ones who really need it, not only that, but it will also keep jobs in the USA instead of China.

I was a little skeptical about his jobs program and his talk of green energy, sure these are both great ideas, but it seems like these two things have been promised so often, I've lost a little hope. If Obama can pull either one of these off, it will be a miracle.

It was good to hear him acknowledge that he will need the help of congress to move much of this forward. It was good to hear this because of its honesty, but it also reminded me how difficult it was for him to get anything passed into law the last few years.

Overall, I liked the speech, but I just felt like I've heard it before.

Anonymous said...

Hadi Al-Jumaie
Professor Sabir
English 1B

I found Pres. Obama's Speech entertaining. It was as moderate as I expected it would be. His use of generalities to try and capture mass votes was nothing new. What I did enjoy about it was how he went about phrasing and delivering it. Like all Presidents, he has put his own distinct flavor into his address. His temperament as an idealist shows through with the large over-arching ideas of what is possible. I enjoyed the calculated use of certain subjects that are almost tenants of conservatives, as it almost forces them (including the House majority leader) to applaud his words. This is a powerful visual tool to all those watching. It reinforces the idea of Obama as a unifying force. Although he made specific points to how he had surpassed our previous president, he seemed to genuinely want cooperation on both sides. His repetitive use of "we" is a positive theme I believe more politicians should embrace. There seemed to be a specific tone, one of someone who is trying to appeal to his peers and not just his constituents. It was the tone of someone who cannot ignore the ugly state of party lines. Regardless of where you stand it ain't pretty. Whatever the outcome of the election, i hope the next president will not lose sight of his/her obligations. The next president must remember that he/she is there to represent us, all of us, and no just the one who voted for him/her.