Tuesday, January 24, 2012

We are in a holding pattern, can't move forward until students purchase their materials. We read the syllabus today via projector. I also gave students a paper copy, those who wanted one (smile). We reviewed how to email assignments and copy oneself.

Homework is to watch and read the President's State of the Union Address which I thought ended eloquently. It was balanced and well-written. I liked the way he invited all of us to participate in our country's success and progress. It sounded so possible, but the same way he is having trouble getting Congress and the Senate to do the right thing, so it is with the lofty suggestions possible with the stroke of a pen--sounds good, but probably won't happen.

Look at the speech as a piece of writing. Analyze its merits or strengths. Pay special attention to literary devices like repetition, alliteration, examples. Why does the president choose the examples he does to represent patriotism? Why does he open and close with war imagery?

Visit http://www.pbs.org/newshour/ for commentary.

Bring your comments to class in the morning for discussion. Post them here after class. Responses can be 250 words.

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