Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today in class we reviewed the Dyson homework, went over the syllabus and tried to clarify a few things. New students joined us. I had students move closer together depending on their preparedness for class today. I had to go pick up handouts while students wrote responses in small groups to the first section of Know What I Mean.

The writing was great and the insights even more remarkable. You are a sharp group of students, certainly the scholars I deem you to be. This was further illustrated when students shared certain quotes from the reading to share and why. I jotted down a few names of students who shared such as Dominique, Rashad, John, Farad, and Deon. Benjamin gave me the idea.

We had fun deciphering the Roman numeral system. I think students got it in the end :-)

The freewrite was on "Not Enough," taken from the book, The Message, by Felicia Pride. We listened to the song first. We'll take the topic of our first essay from this freewrite. Be prepared to write a short essay in class, Tuesday, Sept. 9. 9/9 is also the date students will bring objects for a presentation on American culture (check the syllabus).

Other homework. Read Track 1. Be prepared to write a response based on themes from the chapter Thursday.

Remind me to give you a copy of the Initial Planning Sheet Thursday. If you miss any handouts, like the syllabus, I will put extra copies in the bin outside my office. I suggested students purchase the Dyson book or check it out from the library.

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