Monday, October 6, 2008

Missed You

I'm back! Flew into Oakland Friday evening and then went home, dropped off my luggage, jumped into my car and headed for Prescott Joseph Center for the play, "Ebony and Johnny: A 'Hood Play." It was great adaptation of Romeo and Juliet! Six students showed up from all four classes and we hung in there through the rain. It was that good! I encourage you to go this weekend: Friday-Saturday, October 10-11, 7 p.m., Sunday, October 12, 2 p.m. at 920 Peralta Street in Oakland. There is an art exhibit inside you can visit during intermission. There is art in the front hallway by the door and on the wall along the first staircase and in the first large room in the front of the building.

I curated the exhibit and the reception is Wednesday, October 15, 6-8 p.m. It's free.

I got an email and the film: Equinox is at 9 p.m. to 11 p.m., so if you can't make it, I understand. It is late. We will attend other events, so don't worry.

Keep reading: Can't Stop, Won't Stop and annotating the text and writing chapter logs with questions and vocabulary, and key ideas and important people noted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kimberly Peterson

Ebony and johnny was a really good play. Compared to the modern version of shakespeare, this verison of “Romeo and Juliet” was a lot easier to understand. It took place in Oakland, California and even used some of the language that we hear today. It was a story about a boy named Johnny who wanted to leave the ghetto. Everyone around him was wondering why doesn't he just stick up for his hood? They told Johnny to get a girlfriend to keep him company. Meanwhile, there was a horrible fight going on in-between two households, the montegues (sp) and capulets. The story was partially in rap, and partically in old English. All in all it was a great story converted into a West Oakland persona. :-D