Thursday, October 21, 2010


1. Choose a poem from Totems: Politics . Develop three 3-part thesis sentences.

2. Review assignments

3. Read a play: The Angry Black White Boy

4. Homework: Continue reading your book, complete the Frontline World assignment.


Anonymous said...

Johna Manibusan
Professor Sabir
English 1b
20 October 2010

The Killers

In the poem "The Killers" written by Cordelia Candelaria, the narrator explains how much we have to hear and read about killers. They question what killers do on a daily, wondering if they are normal like us, if so, showing two completely different sides of someone.

Anonymous said...

Mauricio Cavero Alprecht
English 1B
Professor Wanda Sabir
21 October 2010

A Semi-Revolution

Although a revolution can be seen as a good act to overthrow a corrupt government to make a fundamental change in a society, Robert Frost’s A Semi-Revolution gives a new perspective on how a revolution should be made and how far a revolution should go, because he believes that a revolution should only go half way and that a complete revolution would only put the same class up on top again.

Frost, Robert, comp. "Politics." From Totems to Hip-hop / A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002. By Ishmael Reed. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 2003. 211. Print.

Anonymous said...

Mauricio Cavero Alprecht
English 1B
Professor Wanda Sabir
21 October 2010

Summery of A Semi-Revolution

In A Semi-Revolution, Robert Frost advocates that a revolution never should be completed and that the revolution for it to be succesful should only go half the way. He says that if a revolution goes all the way it will bring the same class up on top and nothing would be accomplished, he even asks us to ask a Rosicrician if we don’t believe what he is saying.

Frost, Robert, comp. "Politics." From Totems to Hip-hop / A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002. By Ishmael Reed. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 2003. 211. Print.

Anonymous said...

Johna Manibusan
Professor Sabir
English 1b
20 October 2010

The Killers

We are all aware of what killers do, we see it in the news and read it in the papers. There is no escaping the situation. Cordelia Candelaria shows a new perspective when questioning what Killers do when they are not commiting the crime.

Anonymous said...

Bishwojit Sharma
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1B
20 October 2010

The killers

This is a poem written by poet Cordelia Candelaria. In this poem,poet has tried to describe life of killer.she thinks killer hace different way of living and thinking. people are scared with them. we have to read their stories and have to think about them beside we don't care about them.
Therefore, in the poem,Killer, poet has tried to describe how average people have to read and think about killers as they have always been focused in the society,although they do nothing good for their society.

Anonymous said...

Cory Hollamon
Professor Sabir
English 1b
20 October 2010
In the poem “ why must U be Unfaithful” It talks about how men are selfish and doesn’t have a brain. The poem gives insight on how women look at men. The narrator uses some pretty harsh words such as cruel, empty vows, selfish and others.
Thesis- Although men sometimes treat women terribly that doesn’t mean that all men should be called unfaithful by women, because in the poem the narrator states, “ why must men be unfaithful?”.

Anonymous said...

Shonta Jones
Wanda Sabir
English 1B
In the poem Advertisement for the Waldorf Astoria, Langston Hughes describes six ways of life living or being a guest at the famous hotel the Waldorf Astoria. His titles were Listen, Hungry Ones, Roomers, Evicted Families, Negros Everybody, and Christmas Cards.
For all the hungry people to not be ashamed of eating with the people, your bosses or masters in an elegant place like the Waldorf Astoria. To lift your heads high and be prepared to be welcomed into the high class of society.
High class society does not frown on the lower class society once they have reached the top of the ladder and made something of themselves. We accept those who have worked hard to get out of a social class and into another.
That nobody cares about the homeless people on the street once they have become evicted. That if you have been evicted from your home, society feels you should have done better with your finances and not landed on the streets with your children.

Anonymous said...

Ariunbold Dambinbazar
Ms Wanda
English 1B
21 October 2010

Facing it

In the poem facing it was about a person who was in war and got killed during the action.
Although war is cruel and harmful to people and the environment, there are certain kind of good outcomes of it even thought it takes time to get back to their normal life and people get to bond that during time, because after the war there are always a help and support from different countries. It depends on what the war was about; it’s usually about justice and freedom (Yusef Komunyakaa 229)

Anonymous said...

Ricardo Pedro
Professor Sabir
English 1B
21 October 2010

Response to "Killers"

In Cordelia Candelaria's "Killers" we are shown a portrayal of killers. Killers are not average, their stories intrigue and excite us. However, they may appear average in their daily lives because they are only human after all. They have to eat,sleep, and earn a living.

Works cited:

Reed, Ishmael. From Totems to Hip-Hop / A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 2003

Anonymous said...

Ahu Yildirim
Prof. Sabir
English 1B
21 October 2010
Killers by Cordelia Candelaria


In the poem "The Killers" written by Cordelia Candelaria, we experience the curiosity of the writer about murderers’ daily life. Although the killers done something very wrong by taking a life, they are un peaceful and frighten because we read their stories. Candelaria wonders that “When it rains like tonight heavy and cold/ do they sit cozy somewhere” (198). Although this poem sounds weird, I found this poem very interesting, because narrative brings a unique topic by questioning criminal people’s daily life.

Works Cited
Candelaria, Cordelia. "Politics." From Totems to Hip-hop / A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002. By Ishmael Reed. New York: Thunder's Mouth, 2003. 211. Print.

Anonymous said...

Senay Ghidei
Professor Wanda Sabir
English 1B
26 October 2010

Why must you be Unfaithful (4 women)

In the poem “why must you be unfaithful” Tupac talks about men being selfish and don’t use their brain. He states that men tend to listen their heart and mistreat their women.
Thesis -- Although Tupac believes that women aren’t perfect, he also claims that most men take them for granted even though they[men] gain their trust, because most of them listen to their selfish heart rather than manipulate the brain.

Shakur, Tupac (95) “Men and Women” From Totems to Hip-hop / A Multicultural Anthology of Poetry Across the Americas, 1900-2002. By Ishmael Reed.

Anonymous said...

Sha'Quea Pratt
Professor Sabir
English 1B
21 October 2010

Beautiful Women

Although men hold an image as the provider, they still need the woman in order to be the provider because the woman is who provides for the man as a baby until death.